2023-05-10 14:56:27
Atsushi Ouchi
Saxophonist and Composer Atsushi Ouchi (大内) is a New Yorker working with Free Jazz, Third Stream, Funk, and Hip-Hop artists. First solo album released in 2016 entitled“UNDO”of all original compositions. He attributes his major influences to John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter, and Lee Konitz.
日裔美籍音乐家Atsushi Ouchi是一位非常出色的萨克斯演奏家和作曲家,现居纽约的Atsushi经常与包括爵士、放克和Hip Hop等各种风格在内的音乐人合作和演出。2016年,他发行了个人唱片“UNDO”,全部音乐创作均由他一人包办。Atsushi Ouchi的演奏风格深受John Coltrane,Wayne Shorter和Lee Konitz等音乐家的影响。
此次Atsushi Ouchi来到北京,让我们在Good Bait一同欣赏他独树一帜的现场表演。
Pianist 钢琴演奏家
Moreno Donadel
Moreno毕业于克莱利音乐学院,他8岁开始在意大利Vittorio Veneto的Corelli音乐学院从师著名音乐家Anna Maria Romano Colonna与Giovanni Pasqualis学习古典钢琴. 小学尚未毕业就展露头角。随后进入Padova的Pollini音乐学院学习钢琴,有幸师从于维也纳世界著名音乐家Christine Meyr女士,并与最优秀的成绩毕业。在一路的音乐学习历程中,除了钢琴,手风琴,他还在音乐学院进修了包括(单簧管、器乐合奏、和声、声乐、音乐理论)等课程。在他十几岁的时候,在Bassano Del Grappa的Dizzy GillespleI爵士音乐学院与意大利音乐家Marcello Tonolo学习爵士理论,并显露出优异的钢琴即兴作曲才能。Moreno 9岁在意大利成功举办第一场个人古典音乐独奏会。
Moreno was graduated from Corelli Music Institute. He went to Pollini Musical Conservatory of Padova to study piano and luckily become a student of the world’s well known musician Ms.Christine Meyr. He was already a stand-put before finishing elementary school. He also learned classical piano from the well known musician Anna Maria Romano Colonnaand Giovanni Pasqualis at Corelli Music Institute in Vittorio Veneto, and graduated with honors and good grades. During his music study, he learned not only piano and accordion, but also clarinet, instrumental ensemble, harmony, solfège and music theory etc. when he was a teenager, he learned jazz piano from Italian musician Marcello Tonolo at jazz musical school of Dizzy Gillespie in Bassano Del Grappa, and showed his great talent in piano improvisation.