2023-05-10 14:56:27
单簧管演奏中的弹⾆技巧 传统的单簧管吐⾳主要是单吐,双吐,吐⾳与连⾳的混合,以及不同⻓度,⼒度的吐⾳ 练习。由此可⻅,弹⾆并不是传统意义上的单簧管演奏法。这⼀项技巧在当代爵⼠乐 中,尤其是萨克斯的演奏中得到发展并被推⼴及使⽤。弹⾆最早出现在⼆⼗世纪三⼗年 代爵⼠萨克斯乐⼿Colem&n H&wkins的录⾳中。随着当代⾳乐的发展以及新⾳乐的创 作,越来越多的乐⼿在演奏中使⽤这项技巧,作曲家也将弹⾆作为重要的创作因素之 ⼀。 弹⾆在单簧管演奏中属于延伸技巧,但是早在⼆⼗世纪五⼗年代的百⽼汇⾳乐剧中就已 经出现。⽐如著名⾳乐剧Guys &nd Dolls的⽊管⼀声部中就有单簧管的弹⾆演奏注释。 和其他的演奏技巧⼀样,熟练掌握弹⾆需要⼀定的时间和耐⼼去练习。
下⾯我将分⼏步 介绍如何掌握这项技巧:
1,准备⼀个不⽤的旧哨⽚ (可以装在⼝袋⾥随时拿出来练习)
2,将⾆头卷成U型 (这⼀步有些⼈建议⾆尖顶在下⽛内侧,有些⼈建议⾆尖顶在哨⽚ 上)
这其中⾆头由于不习惯这样的活动会容易疲倦,⽽且最初不容易达到想要的效果,需要 不停尝试。 ⼀旦这个过程产⽣“嗒”声后,便可以将哨⽚放在笛头上进⾏相似的练习。 熟悉掌握⾆头的运动过程之后加⼊⽓息,最终就会产⽣弹⾆的⾳效。
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吴圣雯 个人简历
• 亚利桑那州立大学 2014.08-至今 音乐表演专业 (博士)
• 亚利桑那州立大学 2012.08-2014.05 音乐表演专业 (硕士)
• 北方州立大学 2010-2012 音乐学专业 (本科)
• 首都师范大学 2007-2010 录音艺术专业 (本科)
Shengwen Wu Clarinet
D.M.A., Arizona State University (in progress)
M.M., Arizona State University
B.M., Northern State University
• 2007-至今 木管乐辅导,家教,特邀顾问
• 2007-至今 独奏乐手,乐团乐手。主要演奏风格: 古典乐,爵士乐,现代乐。主要乐团:Bossa Brazil, Molten Hot Jazz Band, ASU Orchestra/Wind Orchestra, Dixie Devil, ASU Clarinet Choir, Friday Dixie, Glendale Community College Jazz Band, Scottsdale Philharmonic, NSU Jazz Combo, NSU Symphonic Band, NSU Orchestra, NSU Saxophone Ensemble
• 2010-至今 木管(单簧管,长笛,萨克斯)演奏乐手。演奏剧院包括:Phoenix Theatre, ASU Lyric Opera Theatre, Scottsdale Musical Theatre Company, Arizona Broadway Theatre, Theatre Word, Phoenix College, Stray Cat Theatre, Northern State University, Aberdeen Community Theatre
• 2017-至今 新奥尔良传统爵士乐队 Lava Hot Jass Band 领队
• 2018.07 国际单簧管艺术节特邀乐手
• 2016.09 国际单簧管艺术节特邀乐手
• 2013-至今 亚利桑那州立大学单簧管乐团特邀独奏乐手
• 2011 北方州立大学协奏曲大赛管乐组获奖者
Shengwen Wu (Wen) is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Musical Arts degree in clarinet performance at Arizona State University. She achieved a Bachelor of Music degree at Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota, and a Master of Music degree at Arizona State University. Shengwen is not only a clarinetist, but also a band leader (Lava Hot Jass Band), and fluently doubles saxophones and flutes. She is an active performer in the Phoenix metro area, playing regularly with local theatres and a variety of other local ensembles. Shengwen is well- versed in performing and teaching different styles of music including classical, contemporary, klezmer and jazz. Shengwen is an active clinician/teacher; teaching at the Mt. Rushmore Music Camp since 2010; private instrumental instructor to all ages in both Aberdeen, South Dakota and Phoenix, Arizona; guest artist/clinician at Northern State University and Thunderbird High School, and many more. Shengwen was featured as a soloist with the ASU clarinet choir (Clarizona) in multiple performances, including the 2016 International Clarinet Festival in Lawrence, Kansas.